How To Get Rid Of Black Spots On Bathroom Ceiling

Bathrooms or shower stalls are perfect breeding grounds for mildew and mold due to the damp and humid conditions in these spaces.

When a tiny mold colony starts creeping on your bathroom ceiling, you’ll begin noticing black spots on the ceiling every time you look up when having a relaxing bath.

Regardless of the mold category causing the black spots on your ceiling, it’s important to get rid of these unsightly spots as soon as possible. Here is a guide on how to get rid of black spots on bathroom ceiling.

What Categories of Mold Cause Black Spots?

  • Allergenic molds -These molds may require removal by a professional, but most of them are easily removable using simple home disinfecting products.
  • Pathogenic molds – These are the molds that cause illness but can be controlled with commercial disinfectants. It’s, however, recommended to contact a licensed mold removal specialist.
  • Toxic molds– These are molds that produce toxic gases that are the most dangerous. They require a skilled person to kill the mold and dispose of the affected materials.

Why Does My Bathroom Ceiling Have Spots?

Once your bathroom ceiling has been discovered, and you know where the mold spots are coming from, you must get rid of it. A good mold removal company will inspect your home and offer you advice on the best way to safely remove the colony.

Alternatively, you can remove it safely with home methods if it is still small and the mold is not yet in full growth. Once the mold is gone, take steps to reduce the humidity in the bathroom and improve the airflow in the bathroom to stop it from regrowing.

How Do I Get Rid Of Black Spots On My Bathroom Ceiling?

The process of eliminating black mold spots on your bathroom ceiling can be complex, especially if the stains have been there for a long while.

The Items You’ll Need

  • Eyewear
  • Protective gloves
  • Face mask
  • Step ladder
  • Sponge or rug
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Water bucket
  • Chlorine bleach
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Spray bottle

Steps To Follow

Take the following simple steps to eliminate black mold spots on your bathroom ceiling:

Step One; Mix a Solution

Mix together one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid, 1/2 cup bleach, and a cup of warm water. Apply the solution to the mold, then let it stand for five minutes. If you use dishwashing liquid, it will cause the bleach solution to stick to the ceiling for longer, which will kill the mold.

Protect Yourself

Protect your skin by wearing protective gear. Put on a face mask, safety glasses, and work gloves to protect yourself when spraying the solution on the mold colony. This is very important as mold is hazardous. When you are cleaning the bathroom, try opening some windows or installing a recirculating fan.

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Wipe on Cleaning Solution

Use a strong ladder to reach the ceiling, and with a sponge, wipe the cleaning solution so you can get rid of the mold colony.

Ensure that the ceiling is completely saturated with cleaning solution but not completely saturated to prevent water damage.

Allow the solution to dry completely. After your ceiling is totally dry, look for any stains. If there are still dark spots on a surface, repeat the process.

How to Remove Black spots from a Tiled Ceiling

Even tiled bathroom ceilings can develop mold growth along the ceiling’s grout lines. You’ll need to do some more scrubbing to get rid of those stubborn mold colonies.

Mix 1 part bleach with 16 parts water. Wear old clothing and some comfortable protective gear before you step on a ladder.

Once properly positioned, saturate the grout areas heavily and let the cleaning solution sit for around 15 minutes. Then start scrubbing thoroughly to ensure you’ve completely removed the black spots. Once the spots have been removed, rinse the area with water and dry the entire ceiling with a soft cloth.

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How to Prevent Mold Growth In Your Bathroom

If you own a house or rent a place, removing mold in your bathroom is essential as it helps keep it looking good, safe, and clean. Bathrooms naturally accumulate some moisture, so drying them out can help prevent mold from growing. Follow this easy guide to help you keep your bathroom free from dampness and mold:

1. Buy a Good Exhaust Fan

A bathroom is incomplete without a working exhaust fan. The vent pipes that come with exhaust fans help suck moisture out of the air and send it out of the room. It’s important because if you have a bathroom, it protects you from any moisture that might come in and cause mold infestation.

There is a wide variety of bathroom fans to choose from, so it’s important to know the right size for your room. CFM (cube feet per minute) is how many revolutions your fan makes per minute, so you know if the size of your fan is good for the room.

If it isn’t powerful, invest in a larger fan. To know the right size of fan for your bathroom, simply multiply the ceiling’s square footage by 1.5.

It is not sufficient to just run the fan when you take a shower or bath. You should leave it for about half an hour after you finish. This will prevent leftover moisture from damaging your bathroom ceiling by causing mold growth. 

If you shower a lot, put your bathroom fan on a timer so that you can control when it spins. That way, you won’t have to return to your bathroom to turn it off when you leave the room.

Hot showers are even more dangerous as they cause more moisture in the bathroom. So, you risk experiencing more regular mold damage issues without a good fan.

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2. Try the Squeegee

It can be quite irritating doing tedious things in the morning when you’re rushing to the bathroom, but squeegees exist for a reason.

It’s worthwhile spending a few seconds running a squeegee over your tub, shower wall, and door. It will help dry the area and prevent more dampness in the bathroom.

If a drip of water is seen coming through a window in your bathroom, squeegee the area and put a damp towel over the area to prevent condensation from taking place. If condensation is frequent on your windows, you may need to add more insulation to your windows.

3. Fix Leaks

Leaks cause water to collect and trigger mold to grow. If you notice that something is leaking or dripping, don’t wait to fix it. Call a plumber as soon as possible. Waiting or postponing the fix will just cause things to get worse.

Mold will grow faster than you think, and you won’t know until you try to get rid of it. Limiting the escalation of the problem is much cheaper than hiring a mold removal service provider to eliminate the toxic mold on your bathroom ceiling.

Black spots on bathroom ceiling
Black spots on bathroom ceiling

4. Wash Towels and Curtains Regularly

Mold can also grow on your bathroom mats, towels, shower curtains, and other bathroom items if you don’t wash them for a long time.

It’s easy for that mold to spread all the way to your bathroom ceiling. One way to permanently remove mold in your bathroom is to wash your rugs, towels, and shower curtains regularly.

5. Dry Out all Shower Items

Shower items such as shower gel bottles, loofahs, and sponges should all be dried out properly after use or simply removed from the bathroom.

If you don’t remove them after taking a bath, water will accumulate beneath as they dry and cause the growth of mold and mildew on your surfaces, including the bathroom ceiling.

6. Run the Dehumidifier

Running a cooling unit such as a dehumidifier or air conditioner during humid months will result in less mold growth.

The humidity level in your entire house should remain between 30 and 50 percent to prevent mold growth. Humidity always fluctuates throughout the day, but you can use an easy-to-use hygrometer to measure the humidity in your home.

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7. Treat the Ceiling

If mold is present in your ceiling, you’ll want to treat it with a mildew spray to kill any spores that may be left over and prevent it from growing again.

Mix some borate-laden detergent, such as Borax, into a liquid and apply it to the mold. This can help prevent mold from spreading further. It is not necessary to rinse out a solution of borate-based detergent. It is recommended to leave it on the bathroom ceiling to prevent mold from forming in the future.

8. Open Bathroom Windows

Try opening the shower door and curtains after you shower to let air flow throughout your house, including the bathroom. When air flows freely in the bathroom, it’s easier to prevent condensation and mold growth. Natural light prevents mold growth.

Final Thoughts

Have you tried removing mold from your bathroom ceiling only to have the mold grow back again? To get rid of mold permanently, you must not only get rid of it by removing it but also kill it. Sometimes,

it may even require replacing the entire ceiling if the damage to your bathroom ceiling is extensive. While it may seem that your ceiling looks great when you clean it, that doesn’t mean mold spores won’t continue to live.

It would be best if you had special treatment for the problems that have caused mold growth in the first place.

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